Sculptra is a new and innovative procedure for treating volume loss and reducing the look of folds and wrinkles while providing long lasting results. Unlike hyaluronic acid fillers (i.e. dermal fillers) which provide instant results, Sculptra works gradually over time by stimulating the body’s natural collagen production, providing a subtle but noticeable difference to your complexion.

The benefits of Sculptra are vast, with patients seeing natural looking, long-lasting improvements in facial volume. wrinkles and folds, and other signs of aging. Since Sculptra stimulates your body’s own collagen production, results can last up to 2 years or more.

If you are looking for natural-looking, long lasting results that help to restore volume and reduce wrinkles, then Sculptra may be the right choice for you. Book a free consultation with a trained medical professional to determine the best treatment for your needs and goals.

  • During Sculptra treatment, a small amount of poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) is injected into specific areas of the face to stimulate collagen production and restore volume over time. Below outlines what is involved in a Sculptra treatment:

    1. Consult: each patient undergoes a consultation with a qualified nurse to assess facial anatomy, discuss aesthetic goals, and determine if Sculptra treatment is best option for you.

    2. Skin Prep: before treatment, a topical numbing gel is applied to minimize discomfort during injection. The treatment area is also cleansed and disinfected to remove any makeup, oils, or debris.

    3. Injection: using a fine needle, Sculptra (containing PLLA) is injected into the treatment areas of the face, such as cheeks, temples, jawline, or areas with wrinkles or folds.

    4. Massage: after each injection, treatment areas are massaged to distribute the product evenly and minimize irregularities.

    5. Post-Treatment Care: following treatment, post-care instructions will be provided to prevent any risk of side effects and optimize results. This includes avoiding strenuous exercise, avoiding sun exposure, or certain skincare products for a certain amount of time.

    6. Follow Up Sessions: To optimize results, it is recommended to have multiple follow-up sessions spaced several weeks apart. We will create a customized treatment plan during your consultation based on your needs and aesthetic goals!

  • Common areas treated with sculptra include areas in the face where volume loss, wrinkles, and folds occur due to aging or other factors. Common treatment areas with Sculptra include;

    • Cheeks

    • Temples

    • Jawline

    • Nasolabial Folds (smile lines)

    • Marionette Lines (lines extending from mouth corners to chin)

    • Under Eye Hollows

    • Forehead

  • After a Sculptra treatment session, results can be seen both immediately and gradually over time.

    Immediate results are mostly temporary, due to the volume added by the injected product itself. However, the gradual results are long term; as the poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) continues to stimulate collagen production over several weeks to months, leaving you with improved volume, texture, and overall appearance.

    Recovery is very minimal, and most individuals are able to return to normal activities immediately after treatment. However, it’s common to experience some swelling, redness, bruising, or tenderness at the injection sites, which should subside within a few days.

    Results generally last up to 2 years or more, making it a long-lasting option for facial rejuvenation.

  • $700 / vial.

    On average, a full treatment with Sculptra may require 2-3 sessions spaced several weeks apart. During each session, more than one vial of Sculptra may be injected into various areas of the face to gradually build volume and stimulate collagen production.

    The exact number of sessions needed for Sculptra treatment will depend on your needs and desired results. This will be determined during the initial consultation where we will assess your facial anatomy, discuss your aesthetic goals, and develop a customized treatment plan tailored just for you.


  • Sculptra is best for those looking for a natural, long term solution to restoring volume and reducing the look of wrinkles in the face. Although you can get similar results using botox or dermal fillers, Sculptra is best for those seeking a youthful, rejuvenated appearance with minimal downtime or side effects. Many patients prefer Sculptra for this reason, being a natural method that stimulates the body’s own collagen production for very subtle, yet noticeable results.

  • Sculptra offers a wide range of results that help rejuvenate the face and address signs of aging. Key results include:

    • Improved Facial Volume:

    • Reduced Appearance of Wrinkles and Folds:

    • Enhanced Facial Contours:

    • Natural-Looking Results:

    • Long Lasting Effects:

    • Improved Skin Texture + Quality:

    • Customizable Treatment:

  • Item description
  • Item description
  • 2 years +

    Generally, results from Sculptra treatment can last up to two years or more. Of course, this depends on each individual’s anatomy and desired results. During a free consultation, all of this will be discussed in detail with you so you know what to expect from your treatment.

  • $700 / session

    One vial of of Sculptra product costs $700, which includes one session that is about 55 minutes. Depending on various factors, some individuals need 2-3 sessions spaced several weeks apart to see optimal results. Although Sculptra is a bit of a higher investment, the results are meant to be long-lasting, requiring much less upkeep compared to other treatments like botox or dermal fillers.

    Book a free consultation to determine the right treatment plan that works for you, and potential financing options. Your journey to radiant, youthful skin starts here.

Join us in Bringing forth your innate radiance.