With age, we tend to lose subcutaneous fat which causes skin to sag and lose its youthful shape. Dermal fillers help to reduce these signs of aging by restoring volume and shape where it’s been lost, elevating your natural beauty and confidence.

Typically, dermal fillers consist of Hyaluronic Acid (HA) as the main ingredient. This is a natural occurring substance that helps retain moisture and volume. They are administered by injecting a small needle beneath the skin, which then restores volume and shape where it has been lost. Dermal fillers are a great way to add facial contouring, enhance the lips, or add definition with minimal downtime.

If you’re looking for a non-invasive way to restore volume and definition to your face or lips without excessive downtime, then Dermal Fillers may be the right choice. Book a free consultation with us, and we will create a customized aesthetic journey that works best for you!

  • Dermal fillers are injectable substances used to restore volume, smooth lines, and enhance facial contours. Our clinic uses Hyaluronic Acid, a naturally occurring substance that is biocompatible and reversible. During the procedure we inject the treatment areas with a small needle that administers the substance, reducing look of wrinkles, adding volume to the lips, or contouring the cheeks or jawline without any invasive surgery or excessive downtime.

  • Dermal Fillers are commonly used to treat various areas such as on the face or lips, including:

    • Nasolabial Folds (lines running from sides of nose to the corners of the mouth)

    • Marionette Lines (lines running from corners of the mouth to the chin)

    • Lips (add volume or definition, or reduce smoker’s lines)

    • Cheeks (to contour, or restore age-related volume loss)

    • Tear Troughs (area under eyes with hollow/dark circles)

    • Temples (restoring hollow temples)

    • Jawline (to enhance or sculpt)

    • Chin (for contouring, or balancing features)

    • Hands (to reduce visibility of tendons and veins)

  • After a dermal filler treatment, patients can expect to see immediate results in the treated areas. The results typically last from 6 to 18 months, depending on the type of filler used, the treated area, or individual factors such as metabolism and lifestyle.

    Immediately post-procedure, it’s common to experience some swelling, redness, and mild bruising. These side effects typically subside within a few days to a week, revealing the full results of the treatment. Patients can expect a noticeable improvement in the appearance of wrinkles, volume loss, and facial contours, achieving a more youthful and rejuvenated look!

  • From $499 per session.

    This is the cost for one syringe; which depending on your desired results, may cover one treatment such as a lip enhancement or small chin augmentation. If your desired treatment includes multiple large areas, this may require additional syringes. Book a free consultation or give us a call to discuss your aesthetic goals, and create a customized treatment for you!


  • Yes, Dermal Fillers are widely considered to be safe, and are approved by Health Canada and the FDA. We use Hyaluronic Acid based fillers which are the most biocompatible type on the market, and are reversible.

    At Skin Rituals, only a qualified and experienced medical professional will administer the treatment. Proper injection technique, sterile procedures, and thorough patient assessment are done to minimize the risk of any complications. Do not hesitate to reach out or schedule a free consultation to discuss any of your questions or concerns about a Dermal Filler treatment.

  • Depending on your lifestyle, skincare regimen, and diet, the results may last between 3 and 6 months. Results tend to increase gradually and peak at 4 months, and slowly begin to fade after 5 months. We recommend regular follow-up treatments as well as a healthy skin care regimen to maintain desired results.

  • Although many patients experience no side effects at all, some potential side effects may include temporary bruising, swelling, redness, and headaches. Rarely, more serious complications can occur, so we recommend following our post-treatment instructions that will be provided to you post-procedure. This includes avoiding strenuous exercise or heavy lifting, touching or massaging the treated areas, or alcohol and blood thinners for at least 48 hours after treatment. You should also stay hydrated to promote healing and reduce swelling, and wear sun protection with SPF 30 or higher to protect the skin.

  • While dermal fillers are generally safe for most individuals, there are certain groups of people who may not be suitable for treatment or who need to exercise caution. Those who fall into th following categories may be advised against Dermal Filler treatment:

    • Pregnant or Breastfeeding

    • History of Severe Allergic Reactions

    • Autoimmune Disorders

    • Active Skin Infections or Inflammation

    • Bleeding Disorders or Blood Thinners

    • Previous Allergic Reaction to Dermal Fillers

    • Under 18 Years of Age (due to ongoing development and changes in facial structure during adolescence)

  • Yes, dermal fillers can be combined with other cosmetic treatments to achieve comprehensive facial rejuvenation or address multiple aesthetic concerns simultaneously. Combining dermal fillers with other treatments can enhance overall results and provide a more balanced and harmonious outcome. Some common treatments that can be combined with dermal fillers include:

    • Botulinum Toxin (Botox) Injections - can be used in conjuction to address dynamic wrinkles caused by facial muscle movements, while Dermal Fillers add volume and smooth static wrinkles.

    • Chemical Peels - addressing both surface imperfections and volume loss for smoother, more radiant skin.

    • Laser Therapy - to enhance skin texture, firmness, and overall rejuvenation.

    • Microneedling - in conjunction with dermal Fillers, this can target and improve skin texture, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, and enhance absorption of the fillers for more natural-looking results.

    Book a free consultation to speak with us about your aesthetic goals and how we can help you turn them into a reality!

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